Grotto Bay
Private Nature Reserve
Welcome to Grotto Bay Estate
Grotto Bay is a private and exclusive coastal property estate located on the West Coast of South Africa. Proclaimed a Nature Reserve in 2002, Grotto Bay Private Residential Estate, Coastal and Nature Reserve is situated only 45 minutes from Cape Town on the Route 27 West Coast Road.
The exclusive Grotto Bay Private Residential Estate was launched 1993. It offers safe and relaxed residential living in harmony with the environment. The Grotto Bay Homeowners Association supports and promotes the conservation initiates of the region.
Grotto Bay forms part of the Cape West Coast Biosphere reserve which was proclaimed by UNESCO in 2000. Incorporating 378 000 hectares, it stretches from the mouth of the Diep River at Milnerton and covers the entire coastal lowlands to far north of the Berg River at Velddrift. There are 459 biospheres globally, 65 of them in Africa and 4 in South Africa. All Biospheres promote a balanced approach to the development of humans and the preservation of biodiversity in a particular region. The aim of the Cape West Coast Biosphere is to foster human development that is ecologically sustainable, conserve the landscape, vegetation and living species. It also support the research, monitoring, education and information exchange related to local, national and global issues of conservation and development.
The Cape West Coast Biosphere offers many attractions for tourists and visitors, such as The West Coast National Park, Cape Columbine Nature Reserve, The West Coast Fossil Park, as well as many proclaimed Local, Provincial and Private Nature Reserves (such as Grotto Bay). Hiking and Nature trials, Golf Courses, Wine Regions and Cellars, Hotels and Motels, Restaurants, Arts and Crafts in many West Coast Villages (Langebaan, Yzerfontein, Darling) increase the need to visit this fascinating region.
The Grotto Bay Estate comprises of 385 hectare of Strandveld and Sandveld bush and of this, 60 hectares is housing estate. It is positioned along the coast of the West Coast Biosphere Reserve and offers a variety of activities. (See the Activities Page) It is filled with exceptional character and breathtaking natural beauty. Residents can enjoy this unspoilt beauty of the fynbos and ocean from the comfort of their porches as greenbelts run between the roads on the estate. To ensure that the Estate is well managed, the dedicated hands-on Grotto Bay Homeowners Association tends to the diverse needs of the estate. This includes the adherence to the guidelines laid out in the Grotto Bay Design Manual and the implementation of Grotto Bay Environmental Management Plan.