Grotto Bay
Private Nature Reserve
Estate Documents
Interested in buying a property in Grotto Bay?
It is important to read the documents attached below.
The Grotto Bay Home Owners Association is a NPC (non-profit company) governed by a Memorandum of Incorporation. All owners are automatically members of the Home Owners Association. Membership is maintained by paying the compulsory levy monthly.
There are 220 property erven in the housing estate which falls within Grotto Bay Private Nature Reserve . In order to sustain the nature reserve status , an Environmental Management Plan is followed. Certain rules and regulations are in place in order to enforce this.
Access into the estate is controlled and a thermal camera security system with 24hr monitoring is in place. All new homes built must conform to the Grotto Bay Design Manual.
No cats are allowed onto the estate. Two dogs are allowed per erf, They must be kept within the confines of that erf and must be registered with the Estate Manager.